Thrombectomy Devices Are Advancing With Increasing Technological Developments In Medical Device Industry


Thrombectomy Devices Market

Thrombectomy devices are a type of medical device that is used for the treatment of blood clots, thereby minimizing the damages to the blood vessels. The devices are used for a wide range of applications, including thrombolysis, peripheral vascular disorders, and acute myocardial infraction. They help in reducing blood loss and minimizing pain during the surgical process. Their introduction has also increased the number of thrombectomy procedures performed. 

Currently, there are two widely used options for large volume DVTs in the large veins of the pelvis and abdomen. These options involve endovascular thrombectomy and mechanical thrombolysis. Mechanical thrombolysis is a relatively new approach to treating large volume DVTs. Five randomized controlled trials have shown that this technique can be highly effective. However, some studies have questioned its safety. To address this, clinical trial supervisors took steps to reduce bias.

Mechanical Thrombectomy Devices involve the use of catheters that are inserted into an artery. These devices are designed to rapidly debulk large clot burdens that are resistant to chemical fibrinolysis. Nevertheless, these devices are not suitable for distal arterial branches. Thus, they cannot be used to treat penetrator occlusions. However, these devices can be successfully used in the treatment of large proximal arteries.

Aspiration thrombectomies are also used in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases. These devices use a balloon guide catheter to reversally remove the clot fragments. With this technology, the procedure is significantly shorter and reduces the embolic burden. Moreover, the technology helps in recanalization.

Stent retrievers are second-generation mechanical thrombectomy devices. These products consist of a balloon-expanding stent and a guide wire that is attached to the stent. Using this technology, the stent is guided through the artery to the thrombus. It is then retrieved with the help of the guidewire. In September 2020, Royal Philips introduced the QuickClear mechanical thrombectomy systems, making an addition to its peripheral vascular disease portfolio. 
