ZigBee Home Automation
Zigbee Home Automation (Zigbee HA) is a worldwide standard for making any home smarter.
Consumers can use Zigbee HA to manage their energy use, home security, and save money.
There are numerous benefits of adopting Zigbee HA, including its low cost and ease of installation.
Naturally, because all Zigbee HA devices are Zigbee Certified, it works with any manufacturer.
It is device-agnostic and compatible with other Zigbee networks.
Zigbee Home Automation
Utilizing one of the several available Zigbee coordinators, you can connect various off-the-shelf Zigbee-based devices straight to Home Assistant using the ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) integration.
ZHA makes use of zippy, an open-source Python package that implements a hardware-independent Zigbee stack.
All zippy-compatible coordinators can be utilized with ZHA.
Within Home Assistant, the following device types are currently supported:
Control Panel for Alarms
Climate using a Binary Sensor (beta)
Number of Cover Fan Light Locks (i.e. analog output)
Lights, switches, and fans can all be grouped (i.e. support for commanding device groups as entities).
Before a group entity may be created, at least two entities must be added to it.
Support for binding and unbinding is also available (i.e. bind a remote to a lightbulb or group).
Compatible hardware
ZHA integration employs a hardware-independent Zigbee stack implementation with a modular design, allowing it to handle any of the several Zigbee coordinator radio modules/adapters available from various manufacturers, as long as the module/adapter is zippy compatible.
Other Zigbee coordinator hardware may not support Zigbee 3.0 firmware at all, yet it may still be completely functional and feature-complete for your needs.
Because many, if not all, Zigbee devices do not yet support Zigbee 3.0, this is a regular occurrence.
Newer Zigbee coordinator hardware, on the whole, supports Zigbee 3.0 firmware, and it is up to the manufacturer to make such firmware available.
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